Send Messages on Instagram Without Triggering a Notification for the Recipient


Instagram has introduced a new feature in its main app which will allow users to send a message without notification for the receiver. Currently, when you message your friend on Instagram, their phone would buzz to inform them about it. With the new feature, you can simply send them a message which will not cause a notification. If you are unfamiliar, scroll down to see how to send a silent message on Instagram without triggering a notification.

There is Now a Neat Way of Sending Instagram Messages Without Triggering a Notification For the Recipient

Instagram is in the works to bring major changes in its app which includes bringing back the chronological feeds. You will have three options to choose from – Home, favorites, and Following. The latest addition brings a @Silent feature to the table which will allow the app to not present a notification on the recipient’s phone. The new feature is very easy to use and does not require the use of a third-party app.

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One thing to note here is that the feature is currently being tested on selected accounts. If you are seeing the @Silent tagline in the text field, then you are among the lucky ones. However, it is always better to know how the feature works before it hits your device. Instagram will be gradually rolling out the new feature, so do wait if it has not yet arrived for your account. Simply follow the step by step instructions below to send messages without a notification,

Step 1: The first thing that you have to do is launch the Instagram app and head over to the direct message section of the app.

Step 2: Open a conversation with a friend to whom you want to send a @Silent message.

Step 3: Once the conversation is open, simply type @Silent in the text field followed by the message. You can just put the @ sign as well and the option will appear automatically. Tap on it.

How to send a @silent message on Instagram without a notification

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Step 4: Tap Send.

How to send a @silent message on Instagram without a notification

This is all that you have to do to send a @Silent message to your friend or family member without a notification. There are always times when you would not want to disturb a recipient and this is the best way to communicate. The recipient would be only aware of the message when he or she opens the Instagram app. Other than this, there will be no way through which the recipient is notified.

For more helpful guides and tutorials, head over to this section.

This is all there is to it, folks. What are your thoughts on the new feature? Share your experience with us in the comments.

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